United Kingdom only has 83 JAILS OPEN after arresting protesters who oppose the INVASION of their own country

United Kingdom only has 83 JAILS OPEN after arresting protesters who oppose the INVASION of their own country The United Kingdom only has 83 spaces left in its male prisons after the mass arrests of rioters protesting against unchecked migration. According to the National Pulse, the overall prison population in facilities under His Majesty’s Prison Service (HMPS) surged to a record 88,945 on Aug. 27. This reflected an occupancy rate of 99.9 percent, putting HMPS on the verge of collapse. According to sources, officials at the British Ministry of Justice (MoJ) are optimistic about managing the prison space without the need for additional emergency measures despite the overcrowding. Downing Street detained more than 1,000 anti-mass migration protesters, who took to the streets in the aftermath of the Southport stabbing attack. These demonstrations were sparked by the stabbing spree of Rwandan migrant Axel Rudakubana that killed three young girls. The overcrowding in HMPS facilities was further worsened by events like the multicultural Notting Hill Carnival in the British capital. At least eight stabbings were reported and more than 300 were arrested over the holiday weekend. The Pulse mentioned that MoJ officials have already implemented the Operation Early Dawn (OED) scheme to ease overcrowding. Under OED, defendants are held in police detention facilities until HMPS spaces become available. Another scheme called Operation Brinker would initiate a “one-in, one-out system” where a suspect currently in custody would be freed and a new one would take their place. British Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood has also introduced an early release scheme dubbed SDS40. The scheme’s first tranche would see about 2,00 prisoners – all serving sentences of less than five years – being let out on Sept. 10. A second tranche of up to 1,700 – this time consisting of prisoners jailed for more than five years – will be freed on Oct. 22. From Oct. 22 onward, eligible prisoners who served 40 percent of their sentence will be automatically released. This was made possible by a change to the law, which will allow for their release after serving 40 percent of their sentences instead of the current 50 percent. According to the Telegraph, the early release scheme will free up an estimated 5,500 prison spaces over its 18-month duration. But the Pulse noted that some violent criminals could be let out early, including a teenager convicted of manslaughter for the killing of a 14-year-old in 2022 who will have served just six months in prison. Violent criminals out, thought criminals in British police have been accused of two-tier policing, according to the Pulse. “Muslim mobs were allowed to rampage and attack white people in Birmingham, with police saying the ‘community’ was deemed capable of policing itself,” it reported. In contrast, “protesters have received years in prison for as little as shouting at police.” Those who merely posted about the protests on social media also suffered the same fate, even though they did not show up in person. Briton Wayne O’Rourke served as an example of the latter. The 35-year-old was sentenced to three years in prison for allegedly “stirring up racial hatred” and sharing “misinformation” about Rudakubana. (Related: “Keyboard warrior” in the U.K. slapped with 3-YEAR JAIL SENTENCE for urging online followers to support anti-migration protests.) O’Rourke reportedly gave his 90,000 social media followers advice on how to remain anonymous during these protests. Several of his posts urged residents of Southport and the city of Sunderland to take to the streets and protest. “You were not caught up in what others were doing, you were instigating it,” said Circuit Judge Catalina Sjolin Knight of the Lincoln Crown Court told O’Rourke during sentencing. “The flames [were] fanned by keyboard warriors like you.” Head over to Enslaved.news for similar stories. Watch the video about a British man being jailed for “inciting violence” on social media posts. This video is from the TKWK T.V channel on Brighteon.com. More related stories: U.K. to free VIOLENT CRIMINALS to make jail space for thought crime offenders. New leftist British PM plans to use emergency powers to RELEASE 40,000 PRISONERS. U.K. authorities have arrested more anti-mass migration protesters than human traffickers. Met Police (UK) threaten TERRORISM charges against “keyboard warriors” who comment on immigration protests. Violent criminals getting released from U.K. prisons to make room for peaceful protesters who oppose illegal immigration. Sources include: TheNationalPulse.com Telegraph.co.uk Breitbart.com Brighteon.com

United Kingdom only has 83 JAILS OPEN after arresting protesters who oppose the INVASION of their own country Read More »

North Carolina REJECTS RFK Jr.’s request to be taken off the state’s ballot

The state of North Carolina has declined a request by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) to be taken off the state’s 2024 ballot. The independent presidential candidate and nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy suspended his campaign on Aug. 23 during a press conference in Phoenix. He later joined former President Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, during the latter’s campaign rally in the city. RFK Jr. then endorsed Trump and exhorted his supporters to do the same. In line with his withdrawal, RFK Jr. said he plans to remove his name from the ballot in states where it could potentially hurt Trump, while stating his intention to remain on the ballot in states where his presence would harm Democratic nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris. “In about 10 battleground states where my presence would be a spoiler, I’m going to remove my name,” he said. “And I’ve already started that process and urge voters not for me.” Officials in the Tar Heel State turned down his request, however. The North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) voted on Aug. 29 to keep RFK Jr. on the ballot, citing logistical and financial challenges. Despite this, votes cast for the now-withdrawn independent candidate won’t be counted. (Related: RFK Jr. secures a spot on the North Carolina presidential election ballot with 10,000 signature surplus.) WBTV 3 reported that the NCSBE made the decision due to the timing of his withdrawal, which coincided with the start of ballot printing across the state. Approximately 1.73 million ballots had already been printed in over 60 counties by the time the board voted on RFK Jr.’s request. NCSBE Executive Director Karen Brinson also explained that reprinting and redistributing ballots without his name would require at least 13 days and incur additional costs. Thus, the board ruled it was impractical to make the changes given the tight timeline and financial considerations. RFK Jr.’s name also stays on the ballot in Michigan Michigan likewise rejected RFK Jr.’s request to have his name struck off the state ballot. “RFK Jr.’s campaign reached out to the Michigan Bureau of Elections (MBE) … in an attempt to withdraw his name,” said Cheri Hardmon, a spokeswoman for the bureau. She subsequently told Michigan Public Radio that the campaign was informed that the Aug. 6 deadline to remove his name from the ballot had passed. According to WKAR 23, RFK Jr. is on the state ballot as the nominee of the Natural Law Party of Michigan (NLPM) which helped its nominating convention in April. The MBE spokeswoman said it could have held a new nominating convention any time until the state’s August primary. “The [NLPM] held their convention to select electors for RFK Jr. They cannot meet at this point to select new electors since it’s past the primary,” she explained. The NLPM and RFK Jr.’s campaign did not respond to requests for comment sent by WKAR 23. Head over to RFKJr.news for similar stories. Watch Robert F. Kennedy Jr. disclosing that he would be actively campaigning for former President Donald Trump during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.” This video is from the Rick Langley channel on Brighteon.com. More related stories: BREAKING: RFK Jr. withdraws from ballots in 10 swing states, endorses Trump, promises to tag-team the dismantling of the Big Pharma / Big Food / Big Ag DISEASE industry that preys upon children. RFK Jr. suspends presidential campaign in favor of Trump, will still remain on most ballots: “I encourage you to vote for me” if you’re not in a battleground state.” RFK Jr. suspends presidential campaign, will join forces with Trump to ‘save millions of children.’ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspends campaign, endorses Donald Trump. Sources include: YourNews.com WBTV.com Breitbart.com WKAR.org Brighteon.com

North Carolina REJECTS RFK Jr.’s request to be taken off the state’s ballot Read More »

The migrant gang takeover of apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado is just a small taste of the chaos to be unleashed against Americans

The migrant gang takeover of apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado is just a small taste of the chaos to be unleashed against Americans Most Americans have no idea what’s coming when the invasion forces that have already penetrated and occupied America are given the “purge” activation order to exterminate and replace American citizens. The gang takeover of the apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado is just a tiny taste of things to come. Note carefully that nobody in Colorado law enforcement is lifting a finger to stop the gang invasion takeover. That have given the gangs total legal immunity, just like Big Pharma and vaccines. Colorado law enforcement is sending you a message: When the activation purge begins, they also won’t lift a finger to protect Colorado citizens, but they will gladly stand back and allow militant invaders and foreign terrorists to pillage entire neighborhoods at will, robbing, raping and murdering American citizens without hesitation. YOU WILL BE ON YOUR OWN. Calling 911 will only earn you laughter and mockery. Your Colorado governor is a treasonous fool, and your Colorado big city police chiefs hate the Bill of Rights but will do everything to protect the “newcomers” who are replacing Americans. Understand that the Democrats are in on it. They have engineered circumstances that they hope will lead to the actual mass extermination, then the replacement, of American citizens. Aurora is just a pilot model to see how far they can push it. If you’ve never been in an active battle zone, or have never trained with live rifle fire in realistic scenarios (not just shooting paper targets at a shooting range), you truly have no idea what’s likely to be unleashed by America’s enemies in the coming months as the invaders and terrorists deploy full-auto AKs, RPGs and mortars against America’s infrastructure. Sadly most people get their battle knowledge from watching TV shows written by firearms-illiterate Leftists who think that car doors and wooden tables block rifle rounds. Most people have no idea of the difference between “cover” vs “concealment.” They think having a couple hundred rounds is plenty for self-defense of a rural property. They don’t own nearly enough magazines (no, not “clips”) or ballistic armor. They’ve never carried a rifle on their backs with a sling while trying to do garden work at the same time. They don’t have a working night vision rifle setup, which means they are sitting ducks at night. They either don’t own an AR-15 or the one they own hasn’t been lubed or fired in 5 years and is in questionable operating condition, probably with dead red dot batteries. Typical Americans are clueless and ill-prepared for what’s coming Typical Americans are obsessed with watching celebrity videos, eating processed foods and jabbing themselves with reptile venom peptides that are FDA-approved as weight loss drugs. They have ZERO ability to defend themselves against determined, lean, well-trained invaders with zealot-level hatred of America and its people. Just one of these foreign militants will probably kill 100 Americans or more, on average, as typical Americans in cities are pathetically defenseless, clueless and have spent years mocking preppers and firearms experts. With up to a 100-to-1 kill ratio, and an estimated one million military-aged foreign invaders already stationed inside the USA, it’s not outside the bounds of plausibility to understand that tens of millions of Americans may soon be slaughtered in a combined Marxist / Terrorist purge of American citizens. There are consequences for allowing your country to be invaded while you defund police, ban the Second Amendment and turn your young men into weakling tampon Timmers. While woke, weak and wimpy Americans run around pretending that men can have babies, the invaders will be ventilating them with AK rounds and seizing their homes and neighborhoods at will. The police will do nothing to stop them, because most of the city cops are too obese to fight, and they haven’t fired their service pistol since the last qualification requirement six months ago. America’s left-wing city dwellers are living in denial about what’s coming They’re also about to learn something truly shocking: Rural Americans aren’t coming to save you when your cities get lit up, because rural Americans are going to protect their own towns, neighborhoods, veterans, ranchers, churches and community leaders who know the truth about what’s coming. America’s cities, sadly, will burn as they are designated “no go zones.” Even US military troops will be incapable of policing the gang-run, terrorist-run blue cities, because the military has already sent all its ammunition to Ukraine. On top of that, America’s youngest military recruits are infested with wokeism and weakness. They brag about being LGBT but have no clue how to handle themselves in an actual firefight. Being gay or trans may win you social hierarchy points at your local libt#rd city council meeting, but it counts for zilch on the battlefield when you are trying to defend your nation against invaders. Everybody needs to read Matt Bracken and Michael Yon, and then realize they haven’t told you even half of what they know is coming, because they don’t want to sound too scary and get banned. But trust me when I tell you that I know both of these courageous men, and they haven’t even yet described the real horrors of what they know is coming. Prepare while you can. If you remain in the cities when this chaos is deliberately unleashed, you will almost certainly die. As Yon says, it’s time for “big boy rules.” Bad choices have bad consequences, and nobody is coming to save you. Most certainly not your government, which has conspired to engineer this exact scenario that they hope will result in your extermination and replacement. The Democrats’ war on the American people is probably only months away from going hot, due to invaders and terrorists who were deliberately let into the country by the Democrats themselves, almost all functioning as straight-up traitors to America. Prepare for an imminent invasion and activation

The migrant gang takeover of apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado is just a small taste of the chaos to be unleashed against Americans Read More »

Ukrainian military shoots down its own F-16 fighter jet provided by U.S. earlier this year

Ukrainian military shoots down its own F-16 fighter jet provided by U.S. earlier this year Ukraine’s Patriot anti-aircraft missile system took down one of Ukraine’s own F-16 fighter jets this week in what the media is calling a “friendly fire incident.” It has not even been a full year since Ukraine’s Western backers sent the F-16 as a gift and Kiev has already destroyed the plane, which was being flown at the time by Ukrainian pilot Alexey “Moonfish” Mes. Reports indicate that the fiasco, which occurred on August 26, resulted from a lack of coordination between Ukraine’s different military units. Ukrainian lawmaker Maryana Bezuglaya criticized the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for lying about the incident, calling it simply “a crash” rather than a major mistake by Kiev’s inept and corrupt military-industrial complex. “According to my information, the F-16 of the Ukrainian pilot Alexey ‘Moonfish’ Mes was shot down by the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system due to a lack of coordination between the [military] units,” Bezuglaya wrote on X. “The culture of lies in the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as in other higher military headquarters, leads to the fact that the system of managing military decisions does not improve on the basis of truthful, consistently collected analytics, but deteriorates and even collapses, as is happening in the other directions.” Bezuglaya also revealed that none of Ukraine’s military generals were punished over the incident, which resulted in a total loss of both the aircraft, which is very expensive, and its pilot. According to U.S. Defense Officials; during Monday’s Large-Scale Russian Missile Attack against Ukraine, a F-16 with the Ukrainian Air Force crashed in the West of the Country, resulting in the Death of its Pilot, known by his Callsign “Moonfish” but by others as Oleksiy Mes.… pic.twitter.com/vUcvWslIQx — OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) August 29, 2024 (Related: Did you know that radioactive materials for building dirty bombs are being shipped to Ukraine by NATO and the West on a regular basis?) Losing an F-16 in Ukraine’s own airspace “a significant first” The Wall Street Journal had initially reported that a donated F-16 fighter jet had been “lost,” this according to an unidentified U.S. official who spoke with the paper. According to the official, the jet was not shot down but merely crashed, likely due to a pilot “error.” This later proved to be false after the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces admitted that the pilot was killed in an aerial flight that occurred during combat in Ukraine’s airspace, described as “a significant first” by the media. “The pilot, Oleksiy Mes, died while helping to repel a massive Russian missile attack on Monday, the officials said,” the WSJ reported. “Initial reports indicate the jet wasn’t shot down by enemy fire, U.S. officials said.” The Russian attack that resulted in Ukraine shooting down its own F-16 is one of the largest since the war began in February 2022. It targeted 15 out of Ukraine’s 24 oblasts, taken out vital energy infrastructure all across the country. It appears as though the Ukrainian Air Force tried to pull the wool over the eyes of the Pentagon upon being questioned about the incident. Kiev officials were reluctant to tell the truth, probably due to embarrassment over the expensive loss. Ukraine barely even started using its donated F-16s, which cost more than $30 million each, when something so cringeworthy like this happens. It is especially cringeworthy when considering that the Zelensky regime touted the F-16 program as being a “game-changer.” Many outside experts are now in agreement that it is far too late for Ukraine to stop Russia, even with advanced aerial systems like Patriot. Russia’s military is simply too powerful and far more superior, which means it is only a matter of time until Ukraine loses and there is no longer any way to deny it to the public. Will the forever war between Russia and Ukraine ever reach a conclusion? Find out more at WWIII.news. Sources for this article include: ZeroHedge.com NaturalNews.com

Ukrainian military shoots down its own F-16 fighter jet provided by U.S. earlier this year Read More »

Pope Francis says rejecting migrant hordes is “a grave sin”

The Roman Catholic “vicar of Christ” Pope Francis is rattling off again about the need for Europe to welcome with open arms all of the illegal migrants flooding the continent right now. While speaking to his regular papal audience this week, Pope Francis declared that it is “a grave sin” for anyone – except the Vatican, of course – to refuse illegal migrants. Referring to the Mediterranean Sea as Mare Nostrum, a classic name for the body of water used by the ancient Romans, Pope Francis argued that it should be “a place of communication between peoples and civilizations,” but that it has instead “become a cemetery.” The thousands of migrant deaths that have been reported in recent weeks throughout the region were fully avoidable, according to Pope France, if only native Europeans would have rolled out the red carpet for all of them. Those “who systematically work, using all means, to push back migrants” are enemies of God, Pope Francis continued. “And this, when done with conscience and responsibility, is a grave sin,” he added, proceeding to quote scripture where it says: “You shall not wrong or oppress a foreigner.” “God is there with [the migrants] and suffers with them,” Pope Francis declared, claiming that all these hordes of migrants are only seeking a path to salvation. (Related: Remember during the Wuhan coronavirus [COVID-19] “pandemic” when Pope Francis called for a globalist New World Order inhabited by fully vaccinated slaves?) Erase all Western borders, says Pope Francis As he often does, Pope Francis further condemned the idea of national borders, specifically throughout the West where the globalists are sending all the illegal migrants. Even though Vatican City where Pope Francis and his religion live is one of the most fortified parcels of land in the entire world, being surrounded by a massive multi-foot-deep wall, he believes that everyone else should tear down their walls to let in the migrants. Not only do all national borders throughout the West need to be eliminated, according to Pope Francis, but Western nations need to devote themselves to “expanding safe and regular pathways for migrants” in any way possible because this is simply a “global governance of migration based on justice, fraternity, and solidarity.” Despite being the most dangerous passageway for migrants to illegally enter Europe from places like North Africa and the Middle East, the Mediterranean Sea continues to be the most obvious and really only way for migrants to get there, even if their overcrowded, makeshift boats often sink before arrival. When the illegal migration pandemic for Europe really started gaining steam around 2015, the Mediterranean became a major passageway for millions of illegal migrants. In 2023 alone, more than 290,000 migrants and refugees traveled through the Mediterranean Sea to get to Europe, this representing a 55 percent spike from 2022. Last year, around 3,100 migrants died while trying to cross the Mediterranean. “How about they sell the Vatican and all other estates and riches owned by the Roman Catholic Church instead?” suggested a commenter about how Pope Francis and his Catholic buddies need to start practicing what they preach instead of always telling others to do as we say, not as we do. “Send that money to all the poor countries … no more migrants … or, put every single migrant within Vatican walls and let those pedos feed them.” Another warned that the Catholic Church has a legacy of working with the CIA to rig elections and install puppets. So, how about they clean up their own house before telling others that they should accept untold millions of often violent savages who swarm European cities and towns spreading violence and terror? Does Pope Francis really speak for Christ or is he a blasphemous impostor? Find out more at Prophecy.news. Sources for this article include: TheHill.com NaturalNews.com

Pope Francis says rejecting migrant hordes is “a grave sin” Read More »

UN and WHO coordinate massive POLIO vaccine experiment on 640,000 displaced Palestinian children

UN and WHO coordinate massive POLIO vaccine experiment on 640,000 displaced Palestinian children The United Nations, (UN) European Union, (EU) and World Health Organization (WHO) are calling for a ceasefire in Gaza – but they aren’t interested in ending the war and providing basic needs for Palestinians. Instead, these global entities are looking to exploit the 640,000 displaced, malnourished children – using them as experimental rats in a massive POLIO vaccine experiment. This polio vaccine experiment is designed to shed vaccine-derived polio strains, which are currently the most common form of polio circulating the globe. Worse, the mass vaccination program will cause provocation polio – crippling a certain percentage of the children and leaving their immune systems vulnerable to other infections. As the Palestinian communities collapse – with sewage, rubble and blood backing up into their drinking water – the only thing global governments can think up is a plan to round the children up and inoculate them! Forget that they are in survival mode, starving, injured and living in filth without access to nutrition or medical care. Even with healthcare facilities obliterated, the WHO is more interested in shooting kids up with vaccines Israeli’s military actions have had a devastating effect on Gaza’s healthcare infrastructure. Restrictions imposed by the Israeli military have severely crippled the territory’s healthcare system. Currently, only about a third of Gaza’s hospitals are operational, and 40 percent of primary healthcare facilities are functioning at minimal capacity. This has left many residents without access to essential medical services, exacerbating the already dire conditions. But not even these needs are the focal point. European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has called for an “immediate 3-day humanitarian ceasefire” to get the children re-vaccinated. He demands access to Gaza “independent of wider negotiations.” In response to the escalating humanitarian crisis, Israel has agreed to a temporary pause in the war to allow for the delivery of polio vaccines to Gaza. The vaccine shipment, which consists of 1.25 million doses, is intended to cover over half of Gaza’s population, including approximately 640,000 children. Israel, which has previously blocked food and medical aid to Gaza, will allow WHO and UNICEF to file into the streets and inoculate tens of thousands of children. This action is justified, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, because a 10-month-old infant in Deir al-Balah tested positive for the type 2 polio virus. It was the first polio case in Gaza since the mid-1990s. Global health authorities are taking this as an opportunity to move over a million vaccine units and re-vaccinate a population that is desperate and vulnerable for any global response. Child exploitation and population control, veiled as a humanitarian act The vaccination campaign is being carried out in cooperation with various organizations, including UNICEF, WHO, and UNRWA (the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees). Sam Rose, a senior official from the agency, acknowledged that the operation is expected to be highly challenging due to the ongoing conflict and the difficult conditions faced by both the health workers and the local population. The current focus on vaccination does not address the broader humanitarian crisis facing Gaza. The conflict has created an environment of extreme deprivation, with significant impacts on food security, sanitation and overall health. Many children in Gaza are suffering from malnutrition and compromised immune systems, making them more susceptible to infections and disease. Studies have shown that certain types of polio vaccines can lead to complications, including vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP), particularly in environments with poor sanitation and inadequate healthcare infrastructure. Once this vaccine mission is complete in Gaza, Israel is expected to go back to bombing the region, as damaged immune systems, nervous systems and vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis takes its toll. The vaccine campaign is a global act of virtue signaling that uses the Palestinian children as props. The vaccine campaign is really just child exploitation, a cold and calculated endeavor that ignores what the Palestinian children truly need, and it represents a veiled attempt at further population control. Doctors In Gaza Scream Out Against Israel’s Mass Slaughter Of Children Sources include: Zerohedge.com Nature.com NCBI.NLM.NIH.gov Pubmed.gov Brighteon.com

UN and WHO coordinate massive POLIO vaccine experiment on 640,000 displaced Palestinian children Read More »

The Science of Magnesium and Its Role in Aging and Disease

Magnesium is a mineral that’s essential for human health, playing a crucial role in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in your body. Magnesium is necessary for muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control and protein synthesis. It also supports a healthy immune system, keeps your heartbeat steady and plays a role in bone health.1 Unfortunately, magnesium is also one of the most prevalent micronutrient deficiencies. Why Magnesium Deficiency Puts Your Health at Risk Nearly 45% of the U.S. population doesn’t get enough magnesium, primarily due to insufficient consumption of dark leafy greens. Magnesium is found in the chlorophyll that gives plants their green color. Magnesium deficiency can have serious consequences, impacting essential biological functions such as DNA repair, replication, and transcription. When magnesium levels are inadequate, these processes may be hindered, potentially leading to the formation of mutations that could contribute to cancer development. Furthermore, recent research suggests a possible connection between low magnesium levels and increased brain volume loss, which may contribute to a faster decline in cognitive function and an earlier onset of dementia in aging individuals. The RDA for magnesium is around 310 to 420 milligrams (mg) per day depending on your age and sex,2 although some researchers believe we may need as much as 600 to 900 mg/day for optimal health. I believe many may benefit from amounts as high as 1 to 2 grams (1,000 to 2,000 mg) per day. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for magnesium only represents the minimum amount needed to prevent severe deficiency-related diseases. So, meeting the 300 to 400 mg daily requirement only provides the basic level necessary for bodily functions, rather than optimal health. Magnesium is crucial for maintaining proper electrolyte balance and preventing dehydration. It regulates electrolytes, which are essential for nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, and maintaining a healthy heart rhythm. A magnesium deficiency can disrupt this balance, potentially leading to dehydration and associated complications. The primary reason why so many people have magnesium insufficiency or deficiency is due to the typical standard American diet, which is low in micronutrients like magnesium. However, certain health conditions and lifestyle factors also play a role by increasing magnesium excretion. Diabetes is one example, as is alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption can accelerate magnesium loss from the body, even when gut absorption remains normal. This occurs because alcohol acts as a diuretic, stimulating increased urine production. As a result, more magnesium is filtered out by the kidneys and excreted in urine, rather than being retained and used by the body. This diuretic effect leads to a higher rate of magnesium excretion, potentially depleting your magnesium stores. Sleep deprivation and your stress levels also affect magnesium, and chronic or even intermittent stress may lead to a decrease in magnesium levels. Magnesium Boosts Brain Health Intriguing research suggests higher dietary magnesium intake is linked to better brain health, particularly in women. One study of 6,001 people revealed that higher dietary magnesium consumption of about 550 mg per day was associated with larger gray matter and hippocampal volumes in the brain than the average intake of about 350 mg per day.3 Higher magnesium intake may result in larger brain volumes, potentially slowing brain aging by up to one year compared to those with lower magnesium consumption. Research has associated magnesium with the onset and progression of various age-related brain disorders. Elevated cerebral magnesium levels have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation while enhancing pro-synaptic plasticity. Additionally, magnesium also helps counteract other mechanisms that contribute to neurodegeneration. For example, a systematic review and meta-analysis of 21 studies also revealed that individuals with Alzheimer’s disease have significantly lower plasma magnesium levels compared to those without.4 These effects collectively suggest that maintaining adequate magnesium levels could play a role in preserving brain health and function as we age. Magnesium is also involved with creatine, a substance naturally found in muscle cells and the brain. Creatine is commonly used by athletes to improve performance, as it’s immediately used by your body to convert adenosine diphosphate (ADP) to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) — the main energy currency of cells — and supply energy muscles need for contraction. However, creatine also helps provide energy to your brain. Creatine plays a crucial role in energy production by transferring phosphate groups from phosphocreatine to ADP, thereby generating ATP, your body’s primary energy currency. This process is facilitated by enzymes that require magnesium as a cofactor to function effectively. This mechanism highlights another significant reason why magnesium is essential for brain function, as it directly supports the energy metabolism necessary for optimal cognitive performance and overall brain health. The Role of Magnesium in Aging Even marginally low magnesium intake may take a toll on your health and lead to accelerated aging and the development of chronic disease. According to Bruce Ames, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of California Berkeley, and former senior scientist at the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, proteins and enzymes fall into two general categories: Survival proteins, which are crucial for our immediate survival and ability to reproduce Longevity proteins, which help us stay healthy in the long run According to Ames’ triage theory, if your body is low in certain nutrients or cofactors, it prioritizes survival proteins over longevity proteins. This means that in times of nutrient deficiency, your body chooses to support functions that keep you alive and reproducing rather than those that prevent long-term damage, which can lead to faster aging and age-related diseases. With regard to magnesium, it plays a crucial role in numerous biological functions, both for immediate survival and long-term health. The triage theory suggests that when magnesium is limited, your body then prioritizes its use for essential short-term survival processes, such as energy production, at the expense of long-term health processes like DNA repair. So, while we may consume enough magnesium to avoid acute deficiency, this level might not be optimal for long-term health. Your body may even deplete magnesium from bones to maintain levels

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The Science of Longevity Vitamins: Taurine, Ergothioneine and PQQ

Certain longevity vitamins, like taurine, ergothioneine (ESH) and pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), help protect against premature aging by reducing oxidative stress, supporting mitochondrial function and cellular health, providing neuroprotection and more. Taurine, in particular, has emerged as a potential key player in longevity, with research suggesting it could be used as an antiaging therapy.1 Further, taurine supplementation also offers promise for reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome, a condition that affects more than 1 billion people worldwide.2 How Taurine May Help Manage Metabolic Syndrome Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid. Unlike many other amino acids, taurine is not used to build proteins but rather plays several other critical roles in the body, such as supporting nerve growth, producing bile salts and helping with digestion and maintaining proper hydration.3 Taurine is considered a “conditionally essential,” or semi-essential, amino acid because, while your body can naturally produce it, supplementation might be necessary under certain conditions, such as in infants or in people with specific medical conditions. Found naturally in various foods, especially meat, fish and dairy products, taurine is abundant in your heart, retina, liver, muscle and platelets, where it plays an important role in cell membrane maintenance, mitochondrial function, antioxidative defense mechanisms and regulating cation balance, which is the process of maintaining proper levels and distribution of positively charged ions (cations) within your body and its cells.4 This is a crucial aspect of cellular and physiological homeostasis. Taurine is also an important osmolyte, meaning it helps maintain proper fluid balance within your cells. In terms of metabolic syndrome, taurine shows promise as a beneficial dietary addition. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of conditions, including high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, excess body fat around your waist and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels, which increase your risk of heart disease, stroke and Type 2 diabetes. Taurine regulates several key metabolic parameters associated with the condition, including:5 Controlling lipid metabolism Improving glycemic markers, such as fasting blood glucose and insulin levels Anti-inflammatory effects Taurine Reduces the Risk of Metabolic Syndrome Researchers from Taiwan conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis including 1,024 participants from 25 randomized controlled trials. Subjects took dosages of taurine ranging from 0.5 grams (g) to 6 g a day, with follow-up periods between five and 365 days. Compared to control groups, those who took taurine had significant reductions in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, triglycerides and fasting blood glucose, with no significant adverse effects. “Taurine supplementation exhibits positive effects on multiple MetS-related factors, making it a potential dietary addition for individuals at risk of or already experiencing MetS,” the researchers concluded.6 Taurine’s blood pressure-lowering effect is likely due to increased nitric oxide availability and enhanced hydrogen sulfide production, which improve blood flow dilation. Taurine’s ability to reduce fasting blood glucose levels also suggests a positive impact on blood sugar control, possibly due to reduced liver glucose production, inhibition of glucagon activity, increased levels of uncoupling protein 1, which helps burn energy, and supporting the health of beta-pancreatic cells.7 Additionally, taurine may increase adiponectin mRNA expression and blood adiponectin levels, improving insulin sensitivity and overall metabolic health.8 Taurine also helped lower the amount of fat, or triglycerides, in the blood, likely by boosting the body’s production of bile acid. This extra bile acid helps remove more fat from the blood and moves it into the bile, which carries fat out of the body. Triage Theory Reveals How Nutrient Deficiencies Lead to Premature Aging The Triage Theory, developed by Bruce Ames, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of California Berkeley, and former senior scientist at the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, offers a simple but powerful explanation for how even mild deficiencies in vitamins and minerals (V/M) — especially longevity vitamins like taurine, ergothioneine (ESH) and pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) — can significantly contribute to the aging process and diseases associated with aging. When your body faces a shortage of essential vitamins or minerals, it has to make a choice on how to use its limited supply. It behaves much like a crisis manager, deciding which functions to prioritize and which to neglect, based on immediate survival and reproductive needs. Your body prioritizes the use of scarce vitamins and minerals for proteins and enzymes that are crucial for immediate survival and reproduction. Meanwhile, proteins and enzymes that are important for long-term health, which help prevent gradual damage that might contribute to bone strength or cardiovascular health, for instance, receive fewer of these nutrients. Because longevity proteins are neglected during shortages, damage accumulates slowly over time, typically without obvious symptoms at first. But, over time, this ongoing damage can lead to diseases commonly associated with aging, such as osteoporosis or heart disease, which become apparent only later in life. In a paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Ames explains:9 “The triage theory provides a unifying rationale for why modest V/M deficiencies — insufficient to elicit overt symptoms of severe deficiency — might contribute significantly to the aging process and the diseases of aging. Briefly, the triage theory posits that a strategic rationing response has been selected through evolution, which ensures that when a moderate shortage of a V/M is encountered, the scarce V/M is preferentially retained by those V/M-dependent proteins/enzymes that are essential for survival and reproduction, such as proteins essential for early development and immediate survival (i.e., ‘survival proteins’). At the same time, proteins/enzymes needed for maintaining long-term health by preventing insidious damage are starved for that V/M and become increasingly inactive, thus leading to an increase in diseases of aging. A major aspect of degenerative aging is that the damage is insidious and clinically not obvious because it accumulates slowly over time and is apparent only later in life. The connection to V/M shortages is underappreciated.” Taurine Is Important for Survival and Longevity Taurine helps preserve mitochondrial functions while significantly reducing mitochondrial dysfunction, a significant contributor to age-related diseases. According to a report published in the Annals of Medicine

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The Fit Generation

“The Fit Generation” is an award-winning documentary that explores the lives of active older adults in Canada, particularly those in their 70s and 80s. Directed by Elton Hubner and produced by Eyes Multimedia, the film challenges conventional views on aging and highlights the advantages of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle well into your later years. In the video above, you’ll hear inspiring stories of seniors who, despite facing significant health challenges such as cancer, arthritis and heart conditions, continue to engage in physically challenging activities and lead vibrant lives.1 “The Fit Generation” emphasizes that age is not a barrier to fitness and may inspire you to pursue an active lifestyle and find joy in your life. Further, the documentary demonstrates how making bold choices that bring you joy significantly enhances both your mental well-being and physical health. Fit Seniors Prove Age Is Just a Number Imagine being a full-time ski instructor at 82 years old. This is just a day in the life of George Tjelios-Nicholas, one of the active people featured in the film. When it’s not winter, you can find Tjelios-Nicholas biking around Whistler or paddleboarding.2 “George Tjelios-Nicholas is one of the main characters of the documentary and, well, such a character! He used to smoke, has undergone several surgeries and still suffers from constant back pain — all good reasons to stay home and wait for time to pass,” according to Eyes Multimedia.3 Yet, this doesn’t cross Tjelios-Nicholas’ mind:4 “Teaching skiing is so rewarding! That’s why I like the ski school. I like people, and my job is to get them comfortable. It’s a great motivation to keep going … I find it hard to believe, but technically my skiing is still getting better. I’ve had people say to me, ‘Oh, you’re too old to do that.’ I’m not crazy, I don’t go off big jumps and stuff like that, but I ski pretty fast. I’ve had stitches in my head from skis hitting me on the head, I’ve dislocated a shoulder and I’ve had two tibial osteotomies because my knees were worn out from skiing … And then I’ve had two knee replacements. I had prostate cancer too and I overcame that. I have a lot of back pain, I have arthritis and I’m still functioning, but I believe that the more active I stay, the less effect it’s going to have on me.” Others featured in the film include Lawrence Huzar, who, at 79 years old, played hockey three times a week and keeps busy the rest of the time by building and repairing things in his backyard — a perfect pastime for this retired mechanical engineer. “I’ve never been sick in my life. I don’t even have a doctor,” he says.5 While Huzar lives alone since his wife passed away, he’s not lonely. He says he’s content being alone and also enjoys spending time with other hockey players on his team — several of whom are similar ages. Gwen McFarlan is another inspirational athlete featured in the film. At 81 years old, the world record marathon runner, retired teacher and cancer survivor continued to compete in races, despite injuries:6 “There’s lots of people out there who will help you and there are certainly lots of running groups that you can join, so if you want to get out there and do something, you can, but you have to want to, because no one can push you into doing anything … My breast cancer made me very, very positive. Every day I wake up now I’m thankful because when you have something like that happen to you and you don’t know if you’re going to come out of it, you’re just so glad to be alive and just face whatever today is and forget it and start a new day tomorrow. I’m looking at 100, at least 100, and I want to run as much as I can until then. I know I will slow down, I know that, but I’m not going to stop.” Optimism, Joy and Social Connections Are Common Threads While each of the people featured in the film have different interests and life stories, you’ll notice several common threads, including optimism, joy and a genuine excitement for life. They each have strong social connections in their communities and engage in each day with a sense of purpose, while living fully in the present moment. Despite facing health challenges, loss of loved ones and other setbacks, each person in the film leads a vibrant life filled with joy and passion. This joy is deeply connected to their physical activities and the strong sense of community they build through shared experiences and social interactions. Ava Stone, a yoga instructor in her 70s, says, “To me, it’s the biggest pleasure to put myself in a place where I can give something to others.” She uses class time to teach not only breathing and stretching techniques but also meditate, share stories and tell jokes. Outside of class, she loves to drive her black sports car around town and encourages others to have fun and create their own joy:7 “Now stress comes from not appreciating what is, not appreciating life, your life that you created. We blame stress outside ourselves as if it’s caused by some mysterious others. In a nutshell, do you know what stress is? This present moment that you’re having, you don’t like it. You want to get rid of something you don’t want or you want something you don’t have. Then you tell your friends, listen, I had such a stress, you cannot believe it, what the husband and the kids did. Oh, at work … And yet, you keep creating it … Resisting life as it shows up to you is your stress. This awareness has bought me so much joy and it came from yoga, and if you have any smartness you know that the mind will help keep you healthy. Open your eyes, become aware of the world.

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Common Knee Problems and How to Address Them

Properly functioning, pain-free knees are vital for maintaining an active and independent lifestyle. Your knees play a critical role in providing mobility, stability and support for numerous daily activities, from walking and climbing stairs to squatting and playing sports. The knee joint is the largest and one of the most intricate joints in the human body, made up of bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons that work together to support movement and bear weight. However, it is particularly vulnerable to injury due to its complex structure and the significant stress it endures. Common knee problems include damaged ligaments, torn cartilage, tendonitis and arthritis, each of which can cause pain and mobility issues that hamper your quality of life. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of nonsurgical interventions to address knee problems and the pain they cause. 5 Common Knee Problems to Avoid If your knee joint is injured, you’ll likely experience pain, which can range from dull to sharp and severe. Pain may occur during or after physical activity, or even while you’re at rest. Stiffness, which may make it difficult to use your joint’s full range of motion, may also occur, along with weakness or instability, such as a feeling that your knee may give out. Other signs of knee problems include popping or crunching noises when you move your knee or an inability to straighten it. Your knee may also get locked into place and, in serious cases, be unable to bear weight. Five of the most common knee problems include:1 • Torn ligaments — This involves the tearing of one or more of the ligaments that support and stabilize the knee joint, typically due to an accident or sports-related injury. Among sports injuries, 41% involve the knee and one-fifth of those involve the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL).2 The ACL is located in the center of the knee and controls the forward movement and rotation of the tibia (shin bone) relative to the femur (thigh bone). An ACL tear is often caused by sudden stops, jumps, or changes in direction, common in sports like soccer, basketball and skiing. • Cartilage injuries — The meniscus is a piece of cartilage that acts as a cushion between your femur and tibia. Tears can occur due to twisting motions or direct impact and can lead to pain, swelling and difficulty moving your knee. “If your knee joint is locking,” physiotherapist Patricia Collins told The Guardian, “and you’re having to physically move it with your hands, that could imply a torn meniscus.”3 • Osteoarthritis — Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time. Although osteoarthritis can damage any joint, the knee joint is most frequently affected.4 • Runner’s knee — Also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome, runner’s knee involves pain around the kneecap, often due to overuse, muscle imbalances or improper alignment of the kneecap. It’s common in athletes and active individuals. Iliotibial (IT) band friction syndrome, also known as IT band syndrome, is another condition that often affects runners and other athletes. It occurs when the iliotibial band, a thick band of fibrous tissue running from the hip to the shin along the outside of the thigh, becomes tight or inflamed and rubs against the outer part of the knee. • Tendinitis — This is an inflammation or irritation of the tendons around the knee joint. The most common form is patellar tendinitis, also known as “jumper’s knee,” which affects the patellar tendon connecting the kneecap to the shinbone. Knee Surgery Is Often Ineffective, No Better Than Placebo While certain knee problems, like ACL or meniscus tears, may require surgical reconstruction, less invasive interventions often lead to better results. For instance, the standard orthopedic surgeon’s intervention for meniscal tears is performing an arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. In fact, arthroscopic surgery on the meniscus is the most common orthopedic procedure in the U.S.,5 but one study conducted in Finland found that arthroscopic knee surgery for degenerative meniscal tears had no more benefit than “sham surgery.”6 A landmark study conducted in 2002, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, also looked at arthroscopic surgery for knee osteoarthritis, and found the real surgery had no benefits over the sham procedure.7 According to the authors:8 “In this controlled trial involving patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, the outcomes after arthroscopic lavage or arthroscopic débridement were no better than those after a placebo procedure.” In addition, it’s been found that arthroscopic knee surgery with meniscectomy increases the risk of future knee replacement surgery by three-fold.9 Total knee replacement, which is sometimes recommended for osteoarthritis in the knee, also carries risks. Researchers explained in the Journal of Arthritis:10 “Total knee replacement (TKR) is often the end-point of many causes of knee pain and is used with increasingly frequency. However, there are a wide variety of problems associated with TKR including ongoing pain, patient dissatisfaction and the need for revision surgery … TKR should be avoided unless absolutely necessary …” Obesity Is a Leading Cause of Knee Problems Your knee joint bears a significant portion of your body’s weight, and excess weight can exacerbate wear and tear, leading to various knee issues. Excess weight may lead to quicker degeneration of cartilage and an increased risk of knee injuries. For instance, research has found significant changes in the curvature of your knee joint within the first three months after injury with an increased body mass. The results found those who underwent surgery experienced greater flattening of the knee joint than those who used rehabilitation without surgical intervention when their body mass index was higher.11 Obesity is also a leading cause of knee replacements. One Australian study of 56,217 patients showed that, of the patients who received a knee replacement due to osteoarthritis, 31.9% were overweight and 57.7% were obese.12 What’s more, those in the most severe obese category (class 3) were also more likely to have knee replacement surgery at a younger age — 7.2 years earlier than normal weight

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