
Liver Infographic

The Benefits of Liver Detoxification

Introduction Liver detoxification is a process that helps to rid the body of toxins and other harmful substances. It is an important part of maintaining overall health and wellness. The liver is the body’s main organ for detoxification and it is responsible for filtering out toxins from the blood and breaking them down into harmless substances. Detoxification can help to improve liver function, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of liver detoxification and how it can help to improve your health. Exploring the Benefits of Liver Detoxification with Herbal Supplements Liver detoxification is an important part of maintaining overall health and wellness. The liver is responsible for filtering toxins from the body, and when it becomes overloaded, it can lead to a variety of health issues. Fortunately, there are a number of herbal supplements that can help support the liver’s detoxification process. Herbal supplements can provide a range of benefits for liver detoxification. For example, milk thistle is a popular supplement that has been used for centuries to support liver health. It contains silymarin, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the liver from damage caused by toxins. Other herbs, such as dandelion root, artichoke, and turmeric, can also help support the liver’s detoxification process. In addition to providing antioxidant protection, herbal supplements can also help to reduce inflammation in the liver. This can help to reduce the risk of developing liver disease. Herbal supplements can also help to improve digestion, which can help to reduce the number of toxins that the liver has to process. Finally, herbal supplements can help to improve overall energy levels. When the liver is functioning optimally, it can help to improve energy levels and reduce fatigue. This can help to improve overall health and well-being. Overall, herbal supplements can provide a range of benefits for liver detoxification. They can help to protect the liver from damage, reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and improve energy levels. If you are looking for a natural way to support your liver’s health, consider adding herbal supplements to your daily routine. How LiverClear by Pacific Health Sciences Can Help You Detoxify Your Liver Are you looking for a way to detoxify your liver? If so, LiverClear by Pacific Health Sciences is the perfect solution for you. LiverClear is a natural supplement designed to help detoxify and support your liver. It contains a blend of powerful herbs and nutrients that work together to help your liver function more efficiently. The ingredients in LiverClear help to support the body’s natural detoxification process, which helps to remove toxins from the body. LiverClear helps to support the liver’s natural detoxification process by providing essential nutrients that help to break down toxins and flush them out of the body. It also helps to reduce inflammation in the liver, which can help to improve overall liver health. LiverClear also contains powerful antioxidants that help to protect the liver from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and lead to disease. Antioxidants help to neutralize these free radicals and protect the liver from damage. LiverClear is easy to take and is available in both capsule and liquid form. It is also free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, making it a safe and natural way to detoxify your liver. If you’re looking for a way to detoxify your liver and improve your overall health, LiverClear by Pacific Health Sciences is the perfect solution. With its powerful blend of herbs and nutrients, LiverClear can help to support your liver’s natural detoxification process and protect it from damage caused by free radicals. Try LiverClear today and start feeling the benefits of a healthier liver. Understanding the Benefits of Liver Detoxification and How It Can Improve Your Health Liver detoxification is a process that helps to rid the body of toxins and other harmful substances. It is an important part of maintaining overall health and wellness. The liver is the body’s main organ for detoxification, and it is responsible for filtering out toxins and other harmful substances from the blood. When the liver is not functioning properly, these toxins can build up in the body and cause a variety of health problems. Detoxification helps to cleanse the liver and remove these toxins from the body. This can be done through a variety of methods, including dietary changes, supplements, and lifestyle modifications. By taking steps to detoxify the liver, you can improve your overall health and well-being. One of the primary benefits of liver detoxification is improved digestion. When the liver is functioning properly, it helps to break down food and absorb nutrients more efficiently. This can help to improve digestion and reduce digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and constipation. Detoxification can also help to improve liver function. When the liver is functioning properly, it can help to reduce the risk of developing certain diseases, such as liver cancer. It can also help to reduce inflammation in the body, which can help to reduce the risk of developing other chronic illnesses. Finally, detoxification can help to improve energy levels. When the liver is functioning properly, it can help to increase energy levels and reduce fatigue. This can help to improve overall health and well-being. Overall, liver detoxification is an important part of maintaining overall health and wellness. By taking steps to detoxify the liver, you can improve your digestion, reduce the risk of developing certain diseases, and improve your energy levels. If you are looking to improve your health, consider liver detoxification as a way to do so. Conclusion In conclusion, liver detoxification is an important process that can help improve overall health and well-being. It can help to reduce the risk of developing certain diseases, improve digestion, and reduce inflammation. Additionally, it can help to improve energy levels, reduce fatigue, and improve mental clarity. While there are many benefits to liver detoxification, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any

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Can You Pass the Flexibility Test?

There are many benefits to staying physically active, one of which is maintaining flexibility. According to one 2018 study published in The Lancet,1 the percentage of people with insufficient levels of activity remained stable from 2001 to 2016, measuring roughly 28.5% across the world. The highest prevalence of inactivity was in high-income Western countries, which measured at 42.3% using data from 358 surveys across 168 countries and including 1.9 million participants. According to data from the CDC,2 information from 2017 through 2020 showed the overall prevalence of inactivity was 25.3% across the U.S. However, while this was the overall prevalence, the CDC then broke down the information by location, race and ethnicity. According to the January 2022 map, there were seven states in which the level of inactivity was 30% or greater, and there were no states in which inactivity was less than 15%. When levels of inactivity are this high, it’s also likely that people’s flexibility has been negatively impacted. Sitting at a computer all day can stretch the muscles in the upper back and shorten the chest muscles, leading to hunched shoulders and upper back pain.3 This is called upper crossed syndrome (UCS). This is just one challenge that results from shortened muscles that negatively affects joints and increases pain. Before jumping into a stretching program, let’s discover exactly what makes you flexible and then take a simple test to determine how flexible you are now. What Is Flexibility and How Important Is It? A bodily joint is defined as the area where two or more bones meet. While many are mobile, some are not. Different types of joints are defined by their function, movement, structure or anatomical location.4 Your body uses these joints to allow you to move. Without movement, muscles, tendons and ligaments become tight and short. This reduces your range of motion or ability to move the way you normally would. While flexibility and mobility are related, they are also different. Mobility describes the way in which your joints move through a full range of motion while flexibility is how well your muscles can stretch or lengthen. Flexibility gives you greater mobility to do things like pick things up off the floor or grab something off a high shelf. Your body requires practice to maintain flexibility and mobility in the same way that you need to move weight to gain strength or do aerobic exercise for cardiovascular endurance. Some studies demonstrate that stretching can reduce the severity of chronic insomnia5 and improve subjective sleep.6 It also helps reduce pain7 and has a positive impact on your mental health.8 Increasing your range of motion can also lower your risk of minor, everyday injuries as well as reduce the potential risk of performance-related injury.9 Maintaining flexibility and mobility also helps your body to work correctly and improve your posture, which in turn can reduce upper and lower back pain. Importantly, better flexibility can help improve balance and guard against falls in the elderly10 and increases the potential to live independently as you age. One study from the University of Saskatchewan11 demonstrated that stretching for 30 minutes at each session can help reduce blood pressure, possibly even better than going for a brisk walk. Test Your Flexibility Theresa Larson is a physical therapist and an expert on movement health. She spoke with a reporter from The New York Times12 and shared a flexibility test that consists of five simple stretches. However, it’s important to note that as with anything else, you can have too much of a good thing. Experts estimate that approximately 20% of the population are hypermobile or have a larger range of motion than expected, for example, the ability to touch your thumb to your inner forearm or place your hands flat on the floor without bending your knees. The trait is a result of a variation in the type of collagen the body produces.13 The following is a simple test14 that will help determine the areas of your body that may need some attention. 1. Back, hips and hamstrings — Tight muscles in these areas can cause your hips and pelvis to rotate, flattening the lower back and increasing your risk of foot, knee and back pain. Larson recommends testing these muscles with a simple toe touch. If you’re able to touch your toes while keeping your legs straight, then you likely have enough flexibility in those areas. However, it’s important to know that people with short arms may not be able to touch their toes and people who can get their hands to the floor may be hypermobile in those joints or simply have long arms. 2. Neck — Sitting for long hours at a desk hunched over a computer can cause your neck muscles to become tight. This can trigger neck pain, shoulder pain and headaches.15 Larson recommends testing how far you can turn your head to one side while sitting in a chair. Normal range of motion should allow you to move about 90 degrees or get your chin near your shoulder. 3. Thoracic spine — Your thoracic spine is in the middle of your back. When the muscles supporting this area become tight, your lumbar spine may attempt to compensate, which in turn causes low back pain.16 Larson uses a test called the open book stretch to evaluate the flexibility of your upper and middle back. Start by lying on your side with your legs stacked on top of each other and your knees bent. Straighten both arms in front of you with your hands together. Keeping your legs, pelvis and lower arms still, slowly move your top arm until it’s extended to the other side of your body. If you can touch your top arm to the floor behind you without your pelvis and legs moving, you have good flexibility in your thoracic spine. 4. Calves and ankles — Chronically wearing shoes with heels, overuse and a lack of stretching can lead to tight calf muscles, which affects

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7 Tricks to Improve Your Memory

It was once believed that brain function peaked during early adulthood and then slowly declined, leading to lapses in memory and brain fog during your golden years. Now it’s known that our modern lifestyle plays a significant role in contributing to cognitive decline, which is why exposure to toxins, chemicals, poor diet, lack of sleep, stress and much more can hinder the functioning of your brain. The flip side is also true in that a healthy lifestyle can support your brain health and even encourage your brain to grow new neurons, a process known as neurogenesis. Your brain’s hippocampus — the memory center — is especially able to grow new cells. It’s now known that your hippocampus regenerates throughout your entire lifetime, even into your 90s, provided you give it the tools to do so. These “tools” are primarily lifestyle-based, which is wonderful news. You don’t need an expensive prescription medication or any medical procedure at all to boost your brain and your memory. You simply must try out the following tricks to improve your memory. 7 Lifestyle-Based Ways to Improve Your Memory 1. Eat right — The foods you eat — and don’t eat — play a crucial role in your memory. Fresh vegetables are essential, as are healthy fats and avoiding sugar. Research has shown daily sugar consumption impairs spatial memory and inhibits neurogenesis in the hippocampus.1 However, a high-fat, moderate-protein, low-net-carb ketogenic diet is crucial for protecting your brain health and preventing degeneration that can lead to Alzheimer’s. One of the most striking studies showing the effects of a high-fat/low-carb versus high-carb diets on brain health revealed that high-carb diets increase your risk of dementia by a whopping 89%, while high-fat diets lower the risk significantly.2 In my book, “Superfuel: Ketogenic Keys to Unlock the Secrets to Good Fats, Bad Fats, and Great Health,” cowritten with James DiNicolantonio, Pharm.D., we explain how the omega-3 fat DHA is an essential structural component of your brain and is found in high levels in your neurons. When your omega-3 intake is inadequate, your nerve cells become stiff and more prone to inflammation as the missing omega-3 fats are substituted with omega-6 instead. Once your nerve cells become rigid and inflamed, proper neurotransmission from cell to cell and within cells becomes compromised. Low DHA levels have been linked to memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease, and some studies suggest degenerative brain diseases may potentially be reversible with sufficient DHA.3,4 Coconut oil is another healthy fat for brain function. It contains medium-chain fats, also referred to as MCTs, which are converted into ketones, an excellent mitochondrial fuel. Researchers found that ketones may work as an alternative energy source for malfunctioning brain cells,5 which has been found to reduce symptoms in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. 2. Exercise — Exercise encourages your brain to work at optimum capacity by stimulating nerve cells to multiply, strengthening their interconnections and protecting them from damage. During exercise nerve cells release proteins known as neurotrophic factors. One in particular, called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), triggers numerous other chemicals that promote neural health and directly benefits cognitive functions, including learning. A 2010 study on primates published in Neuroscience revealed that regular exercise not only improved blood flow to the brain but also helped the monkeys learn new tasks twice as quickly as nonexercising monkeys. This is a benefit the researchers believe would hold true for people as well.6 Exercise improves both brain structure and function, with research showing it significantly increases hippocampal volume in older adults with probable mild cognitive impairment.7 To get the most out of your workouts, I recommend a comprehensive program that includes high-intensity exercise, strength training, stretching and core work, along with plenty of daily nonexercise movement. 3. Stop multitasking — Used for decades to describe the parallel processing abilities of computers, multitasking is now shorthand for the human attempt to simultaneously do as many things as possible, as quickly as possible. Ultimately, multitasking may slow you down, make you prone to errors and make you forgetful. The opposite of multitasking is mindfulness, which helps you achieve undistracted focus. Students who took a mindfulness class improved reading comprehension test scores and working memory capacity, as well as experienced fewer distracting thoughts.8 If you find yourself trying to complete five tasks at once, stop yourself and focus your attention back to the task at hand. If distracting thoughts enter your head, remind yourself that these are only “projections,” not reality, and allow them to pass by without stressing you out. You can then end your day with a 10- or 15-minute meditation session to help stop your mind from wandering and relax into a restful sleep. 4. Get a good night’s sleep — Research from Harvard indicates that people are 33% more likely to infer connections among distantly related ideas after sleeping,9 but few realize that their performance has actually improved. Sleep is also known to enhance your memories and help you “practice” and improve your performance of challenging skills. The process of brain growth, or neuroplasticity, is believed to underlie your brain’s capacity to control behavior, including learning and memory. Plasticity occurs when neurons are stimulated by events, or information, from the environment. However, sleep and sleep loss modify the expression of several genes and gene products that may be important for synaptic plasticity. Furthermore, certain forms of long-term potentiation, a neural process associated with the laying down of learning and memory, can be elicited in sleep, suggesting synaptic connections are strengthened while you slumber. As you might suspect, this holds true for infants too, and research shows naps can give a boost to babies’ brainpower. Specifically, infants who slept in between learning and testing sessions had a better ability to recognize patterns in new information, which signals an important change in memory that plays an essential role in cognitive development.10 There’s reason to believe this holds true for adults, too, as even among adults, a mid-day nap was found to dramatically boost and restore

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Are Egg Yolks Good or Bad?

Egg white omelets and other yolk-free recipes have become synonymous with “healthy” to many. But if you toss out your egg yolks, you’re also tossing out some of the most nutritious parts of the egg. For instance, egg yolks (but not whites) contain vitamins A, D, E and K along with omega-3 fats. Compared to the whites, egg yolks also contain more beneficial folate and vitamin B-12. The yolks also contain far more of the nutrient choline than the whites, and allof the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. Egg yolks have been unfairly vilified for decades because they contain cholesterol and saturated fat. But contrary to the prevailing nutritional dogma that such dietary components need to be avoided, the cholesterol and saturated fat in animal foods like egg yolks are quite beneficial for your health. Cholesterol-Rich Foods Are Good for Your Health Many of the healthiest foods happen to be rich in cholesterol and saturated fats. Cholesterol has been demonized since the early 1940s, following the popularization of flawed research by Ancel Keys, who laid the groundwork for decades of other studies villainizing it.1 However, cholesterol has many health benefits. It plays a key role in regulating protein pathways involved in cell signaling and may also regulate other cellular processes,2 for instance. It’s already known that cholesterol plays a critical role within your cell membranes, but research suggests cholesterol also interacts with proteins inside your cells, adding even more importance. Your body is composed of trillions of cells that need to interact with each other. Cholesterol is one of the molecules that allows for these interactions to take place. For example, cholesterol is the precursor to bile acids so, without sufficient amounts of cholesterol, your digestive system can be adversely affected. It also plays an essential role in your brain, which contains about 25% of the cholesterol in your body. It is critical for synapse formation, i.e. the connections between your neurons, which allow you to think, learn new things, and form memories. Eating Cholesterol-Rich Foods Doesn’t Lead to High Cholesterol One egg yolk contains about 210 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol, which is why public health agencies have long suggested Americans limit their intake. This is a highly flawed recommendation on multiple levels; for starters, “high” cholesterol does not cause heart disease, and beyond that, eating cholesterol-rich food doesn’t cause your cholesterol levels to increase. Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Dr. Steven Nissen estimates that only 20% of your blood cholesterol levels come from your diet. The rest of the cholesterol in your body is produced by your liver, which it makes because your body needs cholesterol. One survey of South Carolina adults found no correlation of blood cholesterol levels with so-called “bad” dietary habits, such as consumption of red meat, animal fats, butter, eggs, whole milk, bacon, sausage, and cheese.3 Consumption of more than six eggs per week also does not increase your risk of stroke and ischemic stroke, for instance.4 Egg Yolks Have Little Impact on Cholesterol Levels for Most Further, eating two eggs a day does not adversely affect endothelial function (an aggregate measure of cardiac risk) in healthy adults, supporting the view that dietary cholesterol may be far less detrimental to cardiovascular health than previously thought.5 According to Chris Masterjohn, who received his Ph.D. in nutritional sciences from the University of Connecticut:6 “Since we cannot possibly eat enough cholesterol to use for our bodies’ daily functions, our bodies make their own. When we eat more foods rich in this compound, our bodies make less. If we deprive ourselves of foods high in cholesterol — such as eggs, butter, and liver — our body revs up its cholesterol synthesis. The end result is that, for most of us, eating foods high in cholesterol has very little impact on our blood cholesterol levels. In seventy percent of the population, foods rich in cholesterol such as eggs cause only a subtle increase in cholesterol levels or none at all. In the other thirty percent, these foods do cause a rise in blood cholesterol levels. Despite this, research has never established any clear relationship between the consumption of dietary cholesterol and the risk for heart disease … Raising cholesterol levels is not necessarily a bad thing either.” U.S. Dietary Guidelines Remove Dietary Cholesterol Limit If you’re still worried about the cholesterol in egg yolks, take a look at the 2015 U.S. Dietary Guidelines, which finally dropped its 2010 guidelines that described cholesterol-rich foods as “foods and food components to reduce.”7 They advised people to eat less than 300 milligrams (mg) per day, despite mounting evidence that dietary cholesterol has very little to do with cholesterol levels in your body. The updated guidelines finally removed this misguided suggestion, and they even added egg yolks to the list of suggested sources of protein. Dietitian Lisa Drayer told CNN:8 “If you connect the dots together scientifically, we don’t believe there is a strong influence between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol … So the government advice is catching up to the science.” The long-overdue change came at the advice of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC), which finally acknowledged what the science shows, which is that “cholesterol is not considered a nutrient of concern for overconsumption.”9 Dr. Luc Djoussé, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, who has conducted research on heart disease and eggs, further told TIME, “Dietary cholesterol does not translate into high levels of blood cholesterol.”10 Now, in 2022, health leaders admit cholesterol not only isn’t the bad egg you’ve been led to believe, but is an essential component of good health. “Your body needs cholesterol to perform important jobs, such as making hormones and building cells,” the CDC says.11 More Research Shows Eating Eggs Doesn’t Raise Heart Risks According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, even carriers of the ApoE4 gene, which makes them highly susceptible to heart disease, egg and cholesterol intake was not associated with an increased risk of coronary

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